ONE Magazine

The official publication of
Catholic Near East Welfare Association

Celebrating 50 years | God • World • Human Family • Church

CNEWA Connections

Thanks to its benefactors, CNEWA has stepped up its support for a program of the Latin Patriarchal Vicariate of St. James that coordinates pastoral and social services for tens of thousands of Christian migrants in the state of Israel. The program mainly helps students of the migrant and asylum-seeking communities — especially those enrolled in Hebrew-speaking schools — with Christian formation in Hebrew.

Consequently, the vicariate has been able to offer catechism classes, develop youth groups, establish two child care facilities and help assist immigrants economically.

Want to continue CNEWA’s vital work with the Christians of the Middle East? Call: 1-800-442-6392 (United States) or 1-866-322-4441 (Canada).

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