Religious formation allows the budding spirituality of young novices and seminarians to blossom through this period of withdrawal, prayer, reflection, and instruction. Later, their spirits bear fruit through the enthusiasm of faith they carry with them in their lifelong mission activity. The faces of these people of God sponsored in their religious formation by friends of CNEWA reflect the spiritual wisdom found in the words of Anthony de Mello.
How shall I help the world?
By understanding it, said the Master.
And how shall I understand it?
By turning away from it.
How then shall I serve humanity?
By understanding yourself.
To the woman who complained that riches hadnt made her happy the Master said, You speak as if luxury and comfort were ingredients of happiness; whereas all you need to be really happy, my dear, is something to be enthusiastic about.
from One Minute Wisdom by Anthony de Mello (Doubleday)