St. Basil Prayer
Be mindful, O Lord, of Your holy, catholic and apostolic Church, which extends from end to end of the universe; give peace to her whom You have redeemed with the precious Blood of Your Christ; preserve also this holy church until the end of the world. Be mindful, O Lord, of those who offered You these holy gifts, and of those through whom and for whom they are offered. Be mindful, O Lord, of those who bring offerings to Your holy churches and of our benefactors, and of those who remember the poor; reward them with Your rich and heavenly favors; in place of their earthly, temporal and perishable gifts, grant them Your heavenly ones, eternal and incorruptible.
Be mindful, O Lord, of those who are living in deserts, on mountains, in the dens and caves of the earth. Be mindful, O Lord, of those who are living in virginity and who, with reverence and according to asceticism, pursue an honorable way of life.
Be mindful, O Lord, of our sovereign authorities; give them profound and enduring peace; speak into their hearts good things for Your Church and for all Your people; that in their tranquillity, we may lead a calm and quiet life, in all piety and integrity. Be mindful, O Lord, of every principality and authority, and of our brethren in the government and the armed forces; preserve the good in Your goodness; make the bad be good according to Your kindness.
Be mindful, O Lord, of the people standing round and of those who are absent for honorable reasons, and have mercy on them and us according to the great extent of Your mercy. Fill their storehouses with every good thing; preserve their marriages in peace and harmony; foster the children, guide the young, support the aged, encourage the faint-hearted, reunite the separated, lead back those who have strayed and join them to Your holy, catholic and apostolic Church; free those who are troubled with unclean spirits; sail with those upon the sea, journey with the travellers, defend the widows, protect the orphans, free those in captivity, heal the sick and be mindful, O Lord, of all those who are in tribunals, mines, exile and bitter servitude, as well as those in any affliction, necessity or distress. And be mindful, O Lord, our God, of all who beseech Your great tenderness of heart, and of those who love us and of those who hate us, and of those who have asked us, though unworthy, to pray for them.
Be mindful of all Your people, and upon all of them pour out Your rich mercy, granting to all the petitions that are for their salvation. Of those whom we have not remembered through ignorance or forgetfulness or multitude of names, also be mindful, O God, who know the name and age of all who know each one even from his mothers womb. For You, O Lord, are a help to the helpless, hope to the hopeless, a savior to those tossed about in the tempest, a harbor for the sailor, a physician for the sick; be all things to all men You know each one and his request, each house and its need. Deliver, O Lord, this city and every city and country from famine, plague, earthquake, flood, fire, sword, the attacks of foreign peoples and from civil wars.