One Generation: Stories From Gaza, Told From New York

Hear the testimonies of children living in Gaza in this video, read by students at St. Joseph-by-the-Sea High School in Staten Island, New York.

Earlier this year, children participating in a CNEWA-Pontifical Mission counseling program in Gaza spoke about living in war. This GivingTuesday, CNEWA collaborated with St. Joseph-by-the-Sea High School in Staten Island, New York, to give a voice to their testimonies.

The New York high school students read aloud these narratives, capturing the devastating reality of day-to-day life for children in Gaza.

The children who provided testimonies were participating in a trauma and counseling program through AISHA Association for Women and Child Protection, a CNEWA-Pontifical Mission partner based in Gaza that provides urgent psychosocial support to the local population.

Ranging from 12 to 16 years old, the children spoke candidly about their experience living in war and their hopes and fears for the future.

“I lost all my family in the war. What did I do to deserve to lose my family? What did I do?” asked Sama, a 14-year-old.

Hear their stories, in their words, in this video.

Olivia Poust is assistant editor of ONE.

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