Picture of the Day: Praying in Purakkad

Young parishioners at Holy Cross Church, in the Keralite village of Purakkad, take part in perpetual adoration. Of Purakkad’s 6,500 families, some 340 more than 1,500 individuals in all belong to Holy Cross parish. (photo: Peter Lemieux)

“Life in Purakkad is serene and simple.

Incense wafts out of the sun-bleached church, built in the early 15th century, accompanied by the muffled sounds of prayerful worship. The parish priest, Father Jose Choolparampil, leads a devout flock, who have packed the church for eucharistic adoration before beginning the Divine Liturgy.”

Read more about the small fishing village, Purakkad, in our May 2009 edition of ONE.

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