Stories From the Field: COVID-19 Relief Reaches More Families in India

The deadly virus continues to spread even faster now in many Indian states.  At last report, the total number of cases has reached more than 3.31 million and to date, 60,500 people have died from COVID-19.  The number of positive cases keeps doubling, and reports indicate the peak is yet to come in many Indian states — including Kerala, where CNEWA’s office is situated.

There continue to be lockdowns declared by the respective state civil  governments; this is done in different regions and clusters, not the entire state.  People continue to struggle without jobs; many businesses have shut down. 

Next week happens to be the biggest celebration in Kerala, Onam, a harvest festival. But, as with so many places, no sign of celebrations are expected this year.

Still, in the midst of this, our COVID-19 Emergency Relief has been able to reach a large number of families in various parts of India. The photographs here tell some of the story and show the support being offered by CNEWA and the Catholic Church during this difficult time.

Meals are packed in car for delivery
In Delhi, a car is packed with prepared meals for delivery. (photo: CNEWA)
Lining up for food in India
Families in Delhi line up to receive prepared meals, donated through the CNEWA COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund. (photo: CNEWA)

I continue to receive letters of gratitude from various agencies we have supported with emergency relief projects. They have asked me to convey those thanks to CNEWA, our donors, and all who have supported our work with prayers and generous gifts.

The Rev. Matthew Vadakkekuttu, director of the Prachodana Social Service Society in Delhi, put it beautifully in a letter he wrote to us:

“Thank you for your timely support in feeding hundreds of hungry stomachs who had no one to support them. We thankfully received your generous support in feeding the underprivileged who are on the streets and the poorest of the poor who are in the slums who lost their daily wages. May God continue to bless all your endeavors.”

M.L. Thomas is CNEWA’s regional director in India.

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