Video: Christian Groups Lead Humanitarian Aid at Dbayeh

CNEWA-Pontifical Mission has been supporting the humanitarian work among refugees at the Dbayeh camp in Lebanon since its founding in the 1950s. In recent years, CNEWA-Pontifical Mission has been funding the work of the Little Sisters of Nazareth, who live at the camp, and the camp’s Joint Christian Committee. Both groups are on the front line of providing humanitarian assistance at Dbayeh. Hear from Sister Magda of the Little Sisters of Nazareth and Elias Habib, director of the Joint Christian Committee, in this video.

About 8 miles north of Beirut sits Dbayeh camp, a Palestinian refugee camp with a majority-Christian population. The Little Sisters of Nazareth and the camp’s Joint Christian Committee, both funded by CNEWA-Pontifical Mission, are active in distributing humanitarian aid and living in solidarity with the camp’s population.

“Thanks to Pontifical Mission, we live here. Pontifical Mission is helping us a lot,” said Sister Magdalena Smet, P.S.N., who has been living at Dbayeh since 1987. “We share in the lives of the refugees according to the spirituality of St. Charles de Foucauld.”

The primary challenges for the refugees are the education of children, medical care and proper nutrition, Sister Magda explained.

“We were facing several difficulties in the camp, even before the war. Now, the burden has increased mainly on those who are hosting displaced families,” said Elias Habib, director of the Joint Christian Committee.

“It’s our duty to welcome them; we won’t leave people on the street,” he said.

Learn more about the work of the Little Sisters of Nazareth and the Joint Christian Committee at Dbayeh in this video. Then, read “At an Impasse,” in the December 2024 edition of ONE magazine.

Olivia Poust is assistant editor of ONE.

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