Feeding Ethiopia’s Most Vulnerable Children

Group of children on a sunny day on a dirt street in Ethiopia.
Children receive nutritious biscuits to support good health through a feeding program at Sebeya Holy Trinity Catholic School in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, February 2024. (photo: CNEWA Ethiopia)

Rural Northern Ethiopia is frequently affected by food shortages due to lack of rainfall and farmland — conditions exacerbated by the recent two-year war in the country, which has made the poor families of the region even poorer. As a result, many children go without enough to eat.

In response, CNEWA’s school feeding program provides nutritious food to more than 18,000 students during food shortage months, helping them attend classes and thrive under these harsh circumstances. Many children walk for two to three hours across unforgiving mountain terrain, and the meal they receive through these feeding programs may be all they eat that day.

This year, CNEWA committed over $1.8 million to our programs that respond to human needs â€”including childcare initiatives, health care programs and caring for the poor and marginalized.

Watch our video to hear from Tazmera, one of the students who is a beneficiary of our feeding program in Ethiopia.

To make your gift to support CNEWA’s feeding programs, such as those in Ethiopia, click below.

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