One of my favorite parts of the day is when I get to open and read the letters from our kind and caring donors. It’s a privilege I have as the National Director of CNEWA United States. These letters are genuinely a gift and an inspiration.
I’ll share with you a couple of recent letters:
Dear Gabriel,
Why am I a benefactor of CNEWA? I feel it is my obligation to share with my less fortunate brothers and sisters some of the blessings I receive from the Lord every day. Since I cannot attend to their needs personally as I would like to do (I have a family of two daughters, two sons and my wife), I hope you may do it for me.
May the Lord be with you always.
That’s exactly what all of us at CNEWA do every day: help people like you to help people in need. We’re an instrument of your compassion and generosity.
The second letter I’d like to share is from a father and his daughter, who sponsor a child through CNEWA:
Dear Gabriel,
I first heard about CNEWA when the Blessed John Paul II spoke about needy children. I told my daughter about it, and we both decided to help these children. I believe the child we support now is the fourth one we have sponsored, and God willing we can continue to help her. We love children! Now we are supporting Athira, a beautiful girl. Thank you for all the good work you do.
C. & L.
Why do you support the work of CNEWA with your love and charity? Click on the “Leave a comment” link below and let me know. I can’t wait to hear from you!