Your Letters: “A Gift and An Inspiration”

Gabriel Delmonaco shares his fondness for receiving letters from donors and others interested in the work of CNEWA.

One of my favorite parts of the day is when I get to open and read the letters from our kind and caring donors. It’s a privilege I have as the National Director of CNEWA United States. These letters are genuinely a gift and an inspiration.

I’ll share with you a couple of recent letters:

Dear Gabriel,

Why am I a benefactor of CNEWA? I feel it is my obligation to share with my less fortunate brothers and sisters some of the blessings I receive from the Lord every day. Since I cannot attend to their needs personally as I would like to do (I have a family of two daughters, two sons and my wife), I hope you may do it for me.

May the Lord be with you always.


That’s exactly what all of us at CNEWA do every day: help people like you to help people in need. We’re an instrument of your compassion and generosity.

The second letter I’d like to share is from a father and his daughter, who sponsor a child through CNEWA:

Dear Gabriel,

I first heard about CNEWA when the Blessed John Paul II spoke about needy children. I told my daughter about it, and we both decided to help these children. I believe the child we support now is the fourth one we have sponsored, and God willing we can continue to help her. We love children! Now we are supporting Athira, a beautiful girl. Thank you for all the good work you do.

C. & L.

Why do you support the work of CNEWA with your love and charity? Click on the “Leave a comment” link below and let me know. I can’t wait to hear from you!

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