Ethiopia: Sustained by Hope

Join CNEWA’s regional director for Ethiopia, Argaw Fantu, as he discusses the latest on the peace initiative in his homeland on the next “Connections With Msgr. Peter,” tomorrow, 9 November, at 2 p.m. E.S.T. The program may be accessed on CNEWA’s YouTube channel, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Last week, on 2 November, Ethiopian federal government forces and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front came to a “permanent cease-fire” after two years of conflict, but there is still much to be done to help those affected by the war and the ongoing food insecurity crisis. The Tigray Region has been without humanitarian aid since 24 August, when the war resumed after a five-month ceasefire. The agreement signed by the parties seeks to facilitate the resumption of humanitarian aid.

Mr. Fantu often visits refugees and displaced persons — who are overwhelmingly women and children — at CNEWA-supported centers in Addis Ababa, where food packages, medical care and other essential items are provided.

In an interview for the September issue of ONE, he said, “For people in this part of the world, in particular Ethiopia, if we are suffering … what sustains us is hope. Otherwise, everything would have collapsed by now.”

Pope Francis conveyed a similar sentiment this week in an address given in Bahrain:

“Dear brothers and sisters, during these months we have been praying a great deal for peace. In this context, the agreement that was signed and which concerns the situation in Ethiopia represents hope.

“I encourage everyone to support this commitment for a lasting peace, so that, with the help of God, those involved may continue to journey on the paths of dialogue and that the population may soon find once more a peaceful and dignified life.”

Msgr. Vaccari will also provide updates on the agency’s other activities, as well as on recent and upcoming CNEWA events, including the inaugural gala dinner that will take place on 13 December.

At the end of the livestream program, there will be time for questions, which can be sent in advance to or asked in the comments section during the livestream.

Register here for the November installment of “Connections With Msgr. Peter” — which also may be viewed on CNEWA’s YouTube channel, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Olivia Poust is assistant editor of ONE.

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