ONE @ 50: You Gave Life to the Dead

In honor of ONE magazine’s 50th-anniversary year, the CNEWA blog series, ONE @ 50: From the Vault, aims to revive and explore the wealth of articles published in ONE magazine throughout its history. This Easter season, we share a prayer commemorating the paschal mystery in the Maronite tradition, published in ONE in March-April 2001.

Read the full prayer.

We adore you, O Lord, and give you thanks,
for you made us in your image and likeness.
We extol your redemption, O only Son,
for by your coming you have shown us mercy and have given us life.

Though you were true God, beyond suffering and death,
you desired, in your kind mercy, to become human for our sake,
to visit the dead, and to fill them with your presence.
You, O Christ, are the light that never ceases.
You were entombed like all mortals and, with your living voice,
you woke all the just who were deep in sleep.
You removed from creation the ancient sadness, and gathered
the nations to worship you and to announce
your salvation in every place.

Read more.

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